Thailand. Have some questions? Get some answers. Follow me. And I shall follow in turn. I have a plate full of side projects at the moment but that does not mean I don't spare a little time for my Poor ... um.. friends out there.

People Who Love Thailand

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ummm.. what part of Buddism is this?

since thailand has a majority of Buddhist it just boggles my mind that they incorporated so many ... questionable religious practices. Many practice Hinduism and collect amulets blessed by monks... with images of many variable Hindu gods.  I am not really saying anything is wrong with either religions but to me its kinda like combining Christmas and Halloween.  They are two different things.  Ahhh... thats why I love Thailand.  Very few things are taboo.  Actually you would be surprised to what is.  For example its taboo to take pictures of celeberitys smoking because they dont want their parents to find out.   Serious.  Hmmm... i think i just got an idea for blackmail.


  1. it is the awesome part of Buddhism. :)

  2. Taboo to take pictures of celebrities? I seriously have never heard of that before, very interesting.

  3. Yeah. the tabloid magazines here in thailand shows nothing sleazy or raunchy because celebrities control the magazines. .. or at least their parents do. Almost all thai men cheat. *cough Tiger woods *cough.. and the girls that smoke are considered bad/prostitute. and the only way to be a celebrity here is to come from a wealthy family. Thats why all the actors suck. At least in the US if you have actual talent you might have a chance. But here if you are poor... you will not get the jobs.

  4. I have been in Thailand for a few months from februari 2010 till may 2010 and every thai man I spoke said that he had more than 1 girlfriend or was cheating.
    About the bhuddism, someone told me that they pray wherever they like. So they pray to bhudda in a hinduist tempel too.

  5. I'm thinking about converting to Buddhism, getting pretty sick of being a Catholic...

  6. I think most buddhist men in thailand go turn into monks for about 2 years or so. I think thats one of the best coming of age ritual ever.

  7. It's all pretty looking, all their religious statuesm traditions, robes and stuff, but I seriously think it's a waste of lifetime.

  8. Haha that's funny. I've only been to thailand once, but I loved it there :) Following.
